Thursday, June 30, 2011

Feeding My Baby,... and what happens!!??

Ok, so you have mastered the breast feeding thing unless, you chose formula, and now it's time to think food.  I read that at about 4 months old is around the time to start to try to feed real food to my baby.  So at 4 months old I decided to try!

I have always been a person who eats mostly fresh foods.   I don't eat processed meals and don't make them for my family.  When I was thinking about what I was going to do when the time came to feed my baby actual food, I knew I wanted to feed her something real.

If you ever read the back of a jar of baby food, organic or not, you realize that you either cannot say the ingredients or there are preservatives in them.  Otherwise how could they have a shelf life of so long?? Neither of these things interested me in any way.

I did a lot of research and came up with my solution.  I decided I was going to make my own baby food!

I researched all the ways to do it and chose the Beaba Babycook baby food maker.   I decided to test it out while I was  pregnant to see what it did.   My first experiment was with organic carrots.  I put them in the machine and it steamed them,  then pureed them. It was so easy I couldn't believe it!  I tasted them and was totally surprised!  They were great!  I even made my horrified husband try them.  He was not happy about eating baby food.  But it was really only steamed, pureed carrots.

I knew right then it was the right choice for me.  I also figured out that if a baby only eats a small amount of food at first, this was going to be a great money saver as well.  I could buy a bag of carrots, green beans, peas, etc and they would last a long time.  Even buying only organic it was so much cheaper than buying baby food in jars.  I normally made her meals fresh because it really only took 15 mins.    You can also pre-make food and put it in the refrigerator.

My first time feeding my daughter food was exciting and nerve racking!  I read that you should start with veggies so that your baby doesn't get used to the sweetness of fruits first so I went with green beans.  I was so nervous.  Will she hate them?  Will she choke?  Is it too soon?

I gave her her first bite.  It was like she had been waiting 4 long months for something of substance.  She ate the entire bowl full.   I remember she had this look on her face like it was Christmas morning! My mother-in-law, who had purchased the machine for me,  and I were floored!  Yes we got it on video!!!

I decided to stay with veggies for a month to make sure she would develop a test for them.  I made carrots, peas, asparagus, any veggie you can think of.  She ate them all.   She ate them with abandon.  I felt like super-mom.  I was feeding my child and I knew exactly what was in it.  I bought ONLY organic veggies, and then eventually fruits.  Whatever I made her, I knew the only ingredient was what I put in the machine!  No preservatives, no fillers, nothing I couldn't pronounce.  It was green beans, etc.

To this day my daughter is not a picky eater.  She still loves the veggies and fruits she ate and then some.  She doesn't know the difference.  They are they same taste,  just a different preparation.  Since she never had "baby food" she never had to adjust.

I will warn you that there is something interesting, or disturbing, that happens once you start your baby on food.  Their poop changes.  While you are breast feeding it is all nicey-nice and there literally isn't an odor.  Not like a poop smell.  Then you start to feed them food.  Holy Cow!

I remember the first time I changed my child after the food began.  I called the doctor to see if she was ok.  It was THE color of what she ate.  It also took on a new texture.  It was actual poop.

OK, you know that before you had kids you NEVER talked about poop before, at least I hadn't.  Now here it is, you are amazed and even fascinated by poop.

The other thing that I did not know was "do not feed them too much of the same thing or color or their skin color will reflect that".  When my daughter, who loved carrots, started to look like a pumpkin and I called her doctor she told me that advice.  Beware!!

You will also need to store some food in the Fridge for quick meals.  I bought some glass jars of baby food from the grocery store and emptied them to use for this.  I recommend going glass as plastic, BPA free or not, still has the ability to leach into their food.   You don't want your young child eating something that could harm them later.  I also recommend all organic since you don't want your child exposed to pesticides.

It's an adventure.  The one thing to remember is that this is your time to guide your child's food habits.  It's easier to start healthy than to try to change it.  Good Luck!

Till next blog....

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Where Will the Baby Sleep?

One of the biggest decisions is where will my baby sleep once we get home.  I had thought that it was simple, put her in a crib.  Well, it's not that easy.

There are co-sleepers, moses baskets, cribs and so much more.  You have to consider things you don't even know yet about your child.  Will they have Acid Reflux or Gas?  You have to protect them against getting flathead. It goes on and on.  You haven't even met this person yet and already you have to make a guess on what they will be most comfortable sleeping in?  Talk about pressure.  Oh, and if you screw it up and they don't like it, it's not like they can tell you.  Well, except to cry, but babies do that anyway.

I decided on the Arm's Reach Cocoon Sleeper. I got the Hemp material.  I loved the concept of it.  It looks like a hammock.  When it arrived at the house and I set it up I thought "this could go in the backyard!".

It fits more snugly than a big crib or co-sleeper making the baby more comfortable since it's more "womb-like".  It has adjustable reclining positions, so that if the baby had acid reflux problems it would help because you could prop them upward. The sides of the sleeper are mesh so it's breathable and you can see the baby.  One great feature is that since the sleeper is on a swing type stand it allows for movement.  So, if the baby gets fussy and moves it gently rocks back and forth to help lull them back to sleep.  Also, since it isn't a hard flat surface like a crib there isn't a chance for them to get "flat-head".  When I first read about flat-head I freaked.  This is not something I had EVER thought of.  I mean really? I don't remember my Mother saying "beware of flat-head".     SOLD!

I was a little nervous about how this would work out.  I had gotten so many pieces of advice about sleeping and where the baby should be.  

What worked for me was having her in our room for the first few months.  The baby is going to wake you up all night to eat, do you want to have to go that far out of bed to feed them?  NO.  Also, if they make a sound you are awake and checking on them.  I swear I did not sleep at all those first few months.  If she coughed I was checking to make sure she wasn't choking.  I would get up if she had slept "too long",  to make sure was breathing.  I'm exhausted just remembering this to write it!

When I was in the hospital after having my daughter the nurses had said that there would be a time, about 24 - 48 hours or so, that babies have a "holy crap" moment, if you will.  It's the time that they figure out they are NOT going back to the womb.  The baby will want to sleep right by your side, on you, or any close proximity they can.  I remember thinking "how could I ever let her sleep away from me?", but the fear subsided in her and she was just fine on her own in her sleeper.  I still love to this day when she falls asleep on me.

The one thing I would suggest no matter what you choose for them to sleep in is to make sure you go with organic sheets.  Make sure that what goes next to your little one is as chemical free as possible.  They will be spending ALOT of time on them and they are too young to be exposed to chemicals if you can help it.

Till next blog....

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Oh The Joys of Breastfeeding and Bottles!

Once I made the decision to breastfeed, to the horror of my friends, I then had to seriously study up.  This is NOT something to take lightly.  I had no idea how much was involved.  The breast pump, pads, etc.

The best advice I got was TAKE A CLASS!  I immediately signed up for a class at my delivering hospital and I am so glad I did.  Who knew that it doesn't happen like you see in National Geographic where all the women walk around with their kids attached like it's no big deal.  I had mistakenly thought my baby would come out and instantly start feeding and all would be fine with the world.

When you go to the class and hear all the stories about babies not latching on and that they actually have a "lactation specialist" in the hospital available to come help, you know you could be in for a bad time.

After taking the class and feeling ready I had to then tackle all the crap you need to pull this off.  I will tell you what I got and why.  Not that what I decided to use is the only way.  But as I said in the beginning of the blog, I am sharing so that it may help someone.

Breast Pump.  I had no idea I would use it, but if you EVER want to leave your house without your child you need one.  You have the option of renting one from the hospital, I chose to buy one.  I went with the Medela Pump In Style.  It still makes me laugh to type the name, Pump In Style.  Really?  If you have ever had a breast pump attached to you, then you know there isn't anything stylish about it.  You will literally feel like you are the cow at a dairy farm.  Make sure to get one that pumps at a good strength or you will be attached to it all day.

You will also need storage for the milk.  I chose bags.  There are bags called Autumnz that are BPA and Phthalates free but you have to order them online.  I'm sure there are other brands as well.  If I were to do it again I would just use little glass bottles.  I do NOT trust anything plastic anymore, BPA free or not.   I think there is still to much that can  possibly leach into things.

One of my favorite things was to fill up the bags and see the freezer full of milk.  I would know that I could go leave the house and my child would be fed! What a feeling!  haha

Breast pads.  Buy ALOT.  Whether you use the reusable ones that can be washed or the cotton throw aways, you will need a lot of them.

Breast Feeding Bras.  Make sure they are comfortable!  I wore mine 24-7.  I wanted to make sure that the girls were strapped down.  I bought a couple comfortable cotton, but I also got a couple that were black lace.  I figured why not!  I looked like I was going to fall on my face so why not make them look nice!

Bottles.  This is a tough one.  I wanted something BPA free and also something that would not confuse my daughter.  I read so many stories of babies having a bottle and then not going back to the breast that I was adamant in finding something that would work.  I went with the Adiri bottles.  The are breast shaped and the even have a creepy breast-like feel to them.  I ordered one to check it out and when it came to the house my husband and I cracked up.

They are BPA and Phthalate Free.  They have a vent system that reduces gas bubbles to prevent colic.  Which was great!!  They come in different stages, from newborn on, for different flows.  The can be a little messy at times but I loved using them and my daughter never had gas from them and there was never a nipple confusion problem.

Breast cream.  I bought some of the Earth Mama Natural Nipple Butter, but thankfully I did not ever really use it.  But if you do buy it remember to go organic and non-toxic on this.  Your baby will be ingesting some of whatever you put on them, no matter how good you wipe it off, so be very careful.

Breast Feeding Pillow.  I got the My Breast Friend.  Love this item!!!!!  It snaps around you like a shelf. Get something that makes you comfortable because you will be doing it ALL day and night!

A hooter-hider.  I went with a plain, no nonsense one.  If I do it again I will get something very Rock N Roll.  You will get looks from people like you are doing something wrong when you feed your child in public, even covered, so you might as well make a statement!

I was in a restaurant with my friends and covered my child to feed her and the people at the next table looked at me in disgust the whole time.  I finally said to my friends, "You know I have the right to do this without covering up by law", loudly enough for them to hear and they stopped.

Soap for washing bottles.  This is something I was not warned about.  I just cleaned my daughters bottles with whatever I was using on my dishes until one day when I opened one of her bottles to empty it and smelled soap.  I tasted it, gross I know, and it tasted soapy.  I flipped out!  The soap was leaving a residue and it was getting into the milk.  I immediately searched for something to use and came up with Babyganics Bottle Wash.  It is non-toxic and does not leave any residue.  It is so awesome that I still use it on any hand washing I do today.

Well there are my suggestions.  There is a lot to get to be ready but it is so worth it.  Be sure to eat Organic, what you eat they eat, and drink lots of water!

I will tell you that the first time, actually the first couple times, you feed your baby it might be STRANGE.  I remember in the hospital the first time I breast fed her and the milk started to come out it creeped me out.  I was such an odd feeling.  Thankfully it only lasted the first couple times and went away.   There will also be a time when they go through a frenzy feeding.  It will be painful, but it doesn't last forever.  It is one of the most amazing bonding experiences with your baby.

One last thing nobody told me.  When you do leave your house without your child, be prepared.  The longer you are away the more your chest will grow till you either pump or feed your child.  I realized this when I met some friends for a birthday dinner.  As the night went on I became like a circus act.

Till next blog...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I have to have what for my baby?

Ok so once I found out I was pregnant I went to the bookstore with my husband to check out the book and magazines.  I wasn't a big fan of the "What to Expect" books as they seemed dated.  I ended up with Jenny Mccarthy's book.  Now THAT is a funny book about being pregnant.  I also went to the magazines.  I purchased Pregnancy and Newborn and Fit Pregnancy,  but I also looked at a British pregnancy magazine that was an eye opener!  They are very pro natural childbirth and very very pro breast-feeding, but also pro nappies (or cloth diapers).

It was a refreshing thing to see and read.  ALL my friends use disposable diapers and none of them have breastfed so it was like seeing stone age ideas coming back.  I thought,  "could I do this?".

Reading the magazines will freak you out.  Seriously how much crap do I need for my baby.  You ask friends and get all kinds of different opinions so what do you do.  Well if you are me and have a husband in baseball, which allows you a lot of free time, you start to study.

I found that BPA free was the way to go, great.  Don't do the diaper wipe warmer or your kid will scream when you change them outside of the house, ok.  Crib bumpers are out until they are mobile or they can suffocate, done.

But there were so many other things I found as I applied yet another application of creams, lotions and oils I found to prevent stretch marks.  (my poor husband thought I would be an oil slick forever and always sleep in a sports bra!)

I decided breast feeding was the way to go and took all the classes to be ready.  Which was amazing to get peoples reactions.  "Your going to What?  Why when there is formula?", or my favorite "it's so un-natural".  I thought I was doing the most natural thing in the world.  I mean outside of my husband's thrill of them isn't that what they are there for?

I also chose to use cloth diapers.

I read something online that said that a child wearing disposable diapers will add another 6000 diapers to a land fill and they will not be degraded by the time they leave for college and some parts never will.

That hit me like a ton of bricks.  Really?  So to make it  easier for me to change my kid I will be adding to the already screwed up environment?  No thanks.  Also all the chemicals that are in disposables to make them absorbent go into your child's skin and effect their health and also cause diaper rashes.  Gee all that to make it more convenient?  No

I researched and decided to use Bum Genius diapers.  I ordered a couple to see what they were all about.  When they got to the house and I was showed my husband and he was like "are you sure?".  Yeah!  I was.  He said he did not want to have to clean them and I agreed.  I got the sprayer that you can get with them which makes cleaning them so easy.   I can tell you and everyone who asks me that I love them.  They are, as I say, one of the best decisions I have made as a Mom.  My daughter who is 19 months today hasn't had any diaper rashes.  And the money we have saved!  I use Mrs. Myers scent free detergent and they are like new and clean every time the come out of the dryer!

I also got a reusable diaper pail liner from Planet Wise  They are PVC free and truly leakproof! Machine washable. They also come in all these great colors to make any decor you have.

I have had friends horrified at me using cloth diapers and also friends who ask me all about them.  I have one friend in news that wanted to do a story about them!

Isn't this what used to be the "norm" way back when.  Didn't our parents use them?  Or was it an urban legend?

It's funny because I have seen more and more advertisements about cloth diapers since I started using them.  I am hoping that more people realize that it's really a better way.  Better for the environment, better for your child, oh and cheaper!

I would love to say that I only use my cloth diapers, and I do at home.  But when it comes to going on vacation I had to think another way.  Not too many people you go to visit are thrilled at the idea of you washing your child's diapers in their washing machine!

I found these amazing eco-friendly disposables called Nature Babycare.  The are 100% chlorine free, 100% GM free, and 100% Biodegradable.  There is nothing in them that will harm your child and they do not harm the environment.  They are a win-win.

Till next blog....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The beginning!

First let me say that I titled this Green Mommy for two reasons.  One I try to do as well as I can with the information I can find to make my daughter's environment as safe and free of garbage as possible, and two because I am new at this and finding my way.

I am very lucky to be a stay at home Mom.  I recognize that all of my friends have children in Daycare and most wish they could do it also.  I was able to do an insane amount of research during my pregnancy and still do because I had/have the time.  What I have found that works for me might not work for you, but I am sharing because I have had a lot of people ask me things.  So here goes nothing..

It feels very odd to be writing about my experiences and so called "knowledge" I have gained but here goes.  When I found out I was pregnant it was OMG I am pregnant (happy) to OMG I am pregnant (and responsible for growing a human being).

I called and talked to my friend who is a doctor and he told me some very things that had a huge impact on my pregnancy.

First he said you are NOT eating for 2.  He meant as far as the old ways of eating a plate of brownies everyday and saying "oh it's ok it's for the baby".   He told me that it was actually unhealthy to gain too much weight and to eat garbage.  You are shaping the baby's eating habits from what you are eating.  He also said you only need an extra 300 calories a day and that's after the first trimester.

I was blown away.

I was already shaping the eating habits of my child.  Really?  Lightbulb went off, I have to make sure that I am shaping this baby's eating habits right.

I have always eaten healthy and worked out so I planned on continuing this, but when I thought about what 300 calories is.  That's an apple and a slice of bread.  Or cheese.  Whatever.  It wasn't the pig-out feast I had always heard of.

He also said eat organic!  Which was the turning point of my way of eating.

I had 3 pregnancy cravings:  apples, raisin bran, and Jelly Belly's.  Weird I know.  My OB said it's the reason I was so regular during my pregnancy.  But when I was told eat organic I started to check online about it and discovered to my horror that apples are on the top of the Dirty Dozen list for pesticides.  Immediately I switched hoping that I did not screw up my embryo thus far.

I signed up for all those weekly update websites (Babycenter, Fit pregnancy) which was really informative.  I also read books about different stages and what the baby was developing at that time.  A light bulb went on.  I was eating very healthy but I would add extra of certain things while the baby was in different stages.  If it was a heavy bone development I would eat extra dairy and salmon with bones etc.  And I ALWAYS ate walnuts.  My doctor friend had said they are the healthiest thing you can eat.  They are amazing for brain development.  So everyday I would eat a handful in the morning and evening.

The pregnancy became my mission if you will.  I had a little checklist. Calcium, different veggies for different vitamins, fruits, proteins, carbs, all making sure that I got the baby what she needed.  It really wasn't about me it was about her and what I needed to eat to "grow" her the best way I could.

I know this sounds insane, but it really made me understand the relationship between good food and what it is supposed to do.

The funny thing is that I used to think that organic was a hippie thing, I now know it is a healthy thing.

If you watch the movie Food Inc. you will go organic immediately.

My friend also said keep working out.  It brings oxygen into your blood that feeds into the baby.

So no sitting on the sofa relaxing while I was knocked up?

I was really having these holy crap moments.  Basically everything I do and eat can shape and benefit my child if I do it right.

I had never thought about it that way till then.  And then is when my prego bootcamp started.  haha  my husband would crack up at me but I think setting my mind to that changed everything.

The last thing my doctor friend told me was do not let them give your child a hep B shot when it's born.  Unless the child is going to be an IV drug user in the hospital or have un-protected sex there it is not needed.

huh?  I had a lot to think about.

Then started the magazine reading.........

New to this!

Well, this is my first time ever blogging!  I am starting this at the request of friends and family.  I have had a lot of them say that I should share my Green Mommy tips with people who might be interested so here it goes!  I'm not saying what I do is perfect or even right for you, but I think it might help someone who is in search of some changes.

My name is Heather and I used to do a sports radio show called the Sportchix.  My life used to be all about me and my job.   I have interviewed the most famous people in the world and loved every minute of my former life.  I know am a mother to a beautiful and amazing 19 month old daughter and love this job even more!

Getting pregnant with her had an enormous change on my life and the way I think and live.  I know it changes everyone, but I started to understand that there are so many things that can harm her that I was truly unaware of before.

I researched and still research every item that comes in contact with her like it is, well it IS my job!

I will be sharing things that I did and things I am doing in hopes that it will help someone who might be reading this find ways and/or items that might be useful.  

I don't know if anyone will be reading this but if you do and like it let me know.  

I will officially start this with actual info once she is sleeping tonight!

Wish me luck