Friday, August 31, 2012

BPA Free Yummy Canned Tuna

My husband loves a good tuna sandwich.  So I had to find one that is BPA free canned.  BPA mimics estrogen in your body and is thought to disrupt hormone function. BPA is linked to a host of potential health problems, from fertility problems to developmental delays in kids to cancer.

I had been buying Wild Planet's canned tuna.  It is a great tuna that is BPA free canned and sustainably caught.  One day I ran out and instead of driving the 30 minutes to get to my local Whole Foods I went down to the Nutrition Smart down the road.  The Wild Planet tuna was there, but there was also another brand there.  It was also BPA free canned without extenders or additives. It was also alot less expensive than Wild Planet so I decided to give it a shot.  The have several different types like the chunk light tuna, tongol, and albacore.

YUM!  It was delicious.  Cheaper, safe and delicious.  It is Natural Sea

Give it a shot and see what you think.        

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

My Daughter has Chicken Pox, Bring on the Natural Treatments!

Five days ago my daughter had a fever of 102.5 that lasted about 6 hours and was gone.  Immediately I was suspicious.  She has had a couple fevers in her 2 1/2 years, but they normally last a couple days.  This one came and went quickly and I had this horrible feeling something else was coming.

She woke up in the morning with a couple red bumps which I assumed were bug bites.  Boy was I wrong.  As the day progressed those couple red spots multiplied.  She had some on her face, her arms, hands and feet.  Even in between her toes!  The poor thing was itching like crazy.  OMG the Chicken Pox!!!

In one way I felt thrilled!!  YES, let's get them out of the way and she will have a natural immunity to them.  The other was my poor miserable child and I had to help her feel better.  But what to use?  What would be safe?

So let's get to what's on the market that you are "supposed" to use on chicken pox.  Calamine.  Well, when you read the back of this there is Calamine 8%, Zinc Oxide 8%.  So what's in the rest?  What is the other 84% consisting of?  And the Zinc Oxide, is it the non-nano uncoated like the one that is safe that is in my daughter's sunscreen?   Then there is the Caladryl.  It contains calamine 8%, pramoxine HCI 1%.  But here comes the fun part, it also contains fragrance, polysorbate-80, propylparaben, methylparaben.  Hmmm.  So it contains cancer causing, hormone disrupting ingredients and I am supposed to apply this to my 2 1/2 year olds open wounds?  I don't think so!!!!

So being the Green Mommy I am I had to find another way.  I had to find a non-toxic way to help my child.

I read about the benefits of drinking water with some lemon juice (organic of course) added to help with chicken pox.  It balances the PH of the body which helps with the sores from the inside.  So I started to add a little to her sippy. She loves lemons so that was helpful.   I swear the sores started to look less red.

Then of course there is the soothing baths.  I gave her oatmeal baths and also apple cider vinegar baths.  I  love Braggs Organic Apple Cider vinegar, with "the Mother".  I actually drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of it every day for health benefits so I thought why not try it for this.  Add a cup of either and let them sit in it.  It will totally help with the "itchies" and the apple cider vinegar will help the skin start healing.

I then started to apply the organic Coconut Oil that I use for EVERYTHING to her skin.  I would just slather her down with it.  Coconut oil is an anti-microbial so I thought why not?  What do I have to loose.

As my daughter sat in her bath on the third night I saw that there were literally about 60 tiny red spots.  I could think the warmth of the bath made them show.  I thought "My God here comes another round and it looks awful".  So after her bath I slathered her down with coconut oil from head to toe.  I was just waiting for the misery as the bumps came in.

That night there was no crying because of "itchies", which I was totally expecting after the sight in the tub.  In the morning there was not one red bump from the night before that had flared up on her legs.  NOT ONE!  I swear. I was stunned!

The original bumps that came in on day one were the ONLY ones that appeared.  I was THRILLED!!!  Is this really all that is going to happen?  Is this really all there was to it?

Now five days later the spots are literally disappearing.  The worst of her spots is on her foot and it is healing nicely.  There doesn't appear to be anything that will scar, however I purchased Emu oil which is supposed to be a great scar reducing in case anything needs it.

It's funny, I had chicken pox as a child like everyone else did.  These days we are all told how "dangerous" it is and that you should get the vaccine to make sure you child is safe.  I am so much happier that I went this route and, like me, allow my child to get the disease.  And using the products I did, it wasn't so terrible.  My daughter survived the chicken pox and did it with as little pain and misery as possible!

Till Next Blog........

Friday, August 17, 2012

Being A Green Mom Isn't Easy

My in-laws were in town this week.  Which is alot of pressure.  I am a second wife in my situation and being as green as I am I always have this feeling that they think I am a little insane.

My milk is raw, the cheese in my house is raw or organic, cream cheese is RBGH free, the meats I cooked were from a local farm grass-fed and hormone free, I make my own pasta and bread from organic non-bleached products, I make my own laundry detergent and clean my house with vinegar and baking soda.  Is that so odd?  hahahaha

My mother-in-law was a little taken aback coming into my house this visit.  Every time we would go visit her I would bring my organic ways, but this time she got the whole picture.  YES I am that green!  And I wouldn't do it any other way

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Easy Hardwood Floor Saver for Toys

We recently changed the floors in our house to include beautiful hardwood floors.  Which I LOVE.

As the floors were being installed my daughter was going through the other part of the house with her doll's stroller.  The installer said do not let her use that on the floors or it will scratch them up.  Arghh!  She loves the stroller, so I had to find a solution.  She was getting frustrated at only being able to have the stroller on the kitchen tile and not being able to access half the house.

I went to Michaels Craft Store and found sticky back felt.  I cut the felt into the right size for each wheel and wrapped them.  Tada!!  It's not the most attractive thing in the world but it solved the problem and now she can take her babies in her stroller everywhere.

And at $.99 a sheet, it was alot cheaper that having to have the floors re-finished from all the scratches!!

Till Next Blog.....

Friday, August 3, 2012

A Safe Non-Chlorine Bleach That Actually Works!

If you have read my other blogs you know that I make my own laundry detergent, which I LOVE!  It honestly cleans and softens better than any non-toxic detergent on the market.

There are however some stains that need a little more work.  Some I can spray with vinegar, like my husbands underarms stains, and it works like a charm.  But then there are the ones my daughter manages to come up with that don't budge.

I have been trying every "non-toxic" bleach product on the market to try to find one that does what it says.  Nothing impressed me until now.

Ecover Non-Chlorine Laundry Bleach powder.

Ingredients:  100% percarbonate, which is composed of salt, limestone and oxygenated water.  Percarbonate is the most ecological bleach except for sunshine.  Safe for all rivers and marine life.

I did not have a lot of hope since everything else I had tried so far did not do the job.  But this one was so different.  It got out stains great!  It even got out a stain that was in my daughter's baby clothes that had been packed away for a year that I was loaning out.

I still use vinegar on everything I can.  But now I know if the vinegar doesn't do it I can use something that is safe for the environment and my family, but also works very well.

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