Sunday, October 4, 2015

My Repurposed Soap!

I purchase Dr. Bronners unscented bar soap for our house and have for years.  I love it, but it isn't the cheapest soap out there.

My husband will use a bar of soap until it gets thin and then he is done with it.  It leaves behind a decent amount of soap, and it drives me crazy.

I decided to put a jar in our bathroom and have been putting the pieces of the never to be used again soap into it thinking that I will find a way to use them again.

Well, it happened.  I was looking it at it and thought that there had to be enough in there that I could melt it down and make bars of soap with it.  And, with my husband shaking his head......again, I started the soap repurposing!

I took all of my pieces and put them into a pot and covered them with filtered water and let them sit over night.

 In the morning I added a teaspoon of olive oil and began to slowly melt the mixture.  It becomes soap soup.  I stirred it regularly until it became all melted and bubbly.  Then I put the soapy mixture into my mini bread pan tins that were sprayed with cooking spray and let them sit for about a day and a half to cool and set.

When I popped them out I had 3 new, repurposed, bars of soap!!  I was thrilled. (And maybe danced around my kitchen)

I will try next time to maybe put some wax paper under them as they still did stick a little to the pan.

This has made me so happy to have been able to make those slivers useful again.  And yes the jar returned to the bathroom to my husband shaking his head.

Give it a shot! Super easy and money saving.

Till Next Blog.......