Ants coming in the house, coffee grounds where they are coming from and they leave. Fertilize the plants, bushes and lawn naturally with a mix of used coffee grounds and Epsom salt. Blueberry bushes love them and I get the biggest, sweetest fruit. My worms in the worm bin, love them and they make the prettiest soil after devouring it. LOVE used coffee grounds!!
If you look at any of the store cellulite scrubs, yep ladies it just happens, they almost all contain caffeine. It helps to demise the bumps on the upper thigh that we love oh so much! However, they also contain ingredients that I'm not sure what they are and for me that means it could be toxic. I don't like the idea of a hot shower opening up your pores and adding chemicals. Seems to me like that is just asking for trouble.
Sooooo, as I was about to go outside with them when it hit me. Make a scrub for cellulite.
I took the grounds from the day before, about a cup, and about a tablespoon of course pink Himalayan salt for a little extra oomph, a few melted tablespoons of organic coconut oil and mixed. I added a little more coffee to get a consistency I liked. Tada!
Now I am a big fan of dry brushing, have been doing it for years. So I did my dry brushing and then took a small amount of the mixture and scrubbed, then rinsed and showered as usual. It was very invigorating! I've been using it a couple times a week and I love it.
I would caution to only use a small amount as coconut oil in large amounts can plug a drain! But once a week I put some baking soda and vinegar in the drain to keep it clear.
There you have it! Three ingredients, no crazy chemicals!
Give it a shot!
Till Next Blog..............Happy Scrubbing