Friday, August 12, 2011

The Garden!

As I was covering our garden tonight to protect it from the Malathion that the city sprays for mosquitos (we are on a call list since we have an organic garden and do not want any chemicals effecting it) , I thought what a perfect night to blog about it.

Since my daughter started to eat food I have feed her only organic.  I do not want her to consume hormones, pesticides or anything else that is not suppose to be in our food.  I feed our family this way exclusively, but it all started with my daughter.

Being responsible for shaping the way my daughter eats and making sure those items are clean and healthy is Huge!  It comes with a much higher grocery bill.  It also means driving 30 minutes each way to the only Whole Foods in town to find all the organic and hormone free products to feed us.

My husband and I came up with an idea,  why not dedicate some of our yard to start an organic garden?

We went online and did a ton of research.  We found the best way to do the beds, bought a ton of organic seeds and got the beds ready for the experiment.

I've always grown my own herbs and tomatoes, but this was so much more.  We weren't really sure what we were getting ourselves into but thought, why not?  If it fails we just continue the way we are.  But if it works we will be able to feed our family healthy things from our backyard.

The worst part of the garden in the beginning is the waiting.   Did we just dig up half the yard and make these beds for nothing?  Will anything sprout?

They did!  Oh boy did they.  It seemed like everything started all at once and we were thrilled. We planted everything that we eat and because it was that perfect time in Florida, the cold spells are gone but the insane heat hasn't hit yet. It all grew.  Then the heat hit and we realized that some of the things we planted, like peas and lettuce, are our winter crops.  We are learning!

Then came the bugs.  How do we control the bugs that are eating our plants?  We aren't using pesticides so now what.  Our research brought us to a ton of information on what natural things to use to fight off bugs and what plants and flowers to plant in or around the beds to keep certain bugs and critters away.  Amazing!!  There is a planting strategy!  You would also be amazed at what garlic, cooking oil and dish soap can do to ward off bugs!  Imagine, things that won't harm the environment and hurt my child that can ward off bugs?  Without Pesticides?  What a novel idea!

We now have a beautiful 60' x 6' garden filled with squash, zucchini, green beans, carrots, watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, tomato, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, all kinds of peppers, blueberries and tons of basil, sage, rosemary, dill and parsley.  We also have a Meyer lemon, mango and grapefruit tree.  There is a avocado and clementine tree started also!

The garden is work but it is also so rewarding.  The produce we grow tastes so much sweeter and fresher than anything I buy, but the best part is seeing my daughter grab something right out of the garden and eat it.  I have the peace of mind of knowing exactly what went into and on it and it saves our family money at the same time.

I still make my weekly drive to Whole Foods, but the list is alot shorter when I go!

Till next blog......

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