Friday, September 9, 2011

A New Use For Olive Oil

I was in the kitchen with my daughter making salsa the other day as my husband was doing yardwork. He was coming in and out of the sliding glass door and it had this horrible squeaking sound that was driving me crazy.  My fix for that problem used to be to grab some WD-40 and be done with it but since I have become very anti-chemical, especially when my daughter is around, I had to find a different solution.

As I was standing at my counter I saw my container of olive oil and I thought, "why not?".  I always have a large supply of olive oil in the house so I gave it a shot.  I oiled down the track and the catch. Tada, the squeak was completely gone.  The door hasn't made a noise since and it actually runs smoother than it EVER has before.

I went around the house and found all the doors and drawers with little squeaks and put a little olive oil on them as well.  It's unbelievable how well it works!  No chemicals, and it's something you probably have in your house right now!

Give it a shot.

Till next blog.......

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