Thursday, November 3, 2011

Grocery Store Frustration!

Today I ran to my local grocery store to grab a few things.  One of the things I needed was liquid hand soap.  I thought it would be simple to find at least one that didn't have any fragrance and wasn't anti-bacterial.  Surely there would be one that didn't have dangerous chemicals.  WRONG!  I stood there in the aisle searching but everything had some fruit or woodsy scent and every one was anti-bacterial.  I even went to the small section of the store that  had organic products and while they were less toxic they all contained fragrance!

Is it possible that all the people in the world need fragrance to cover up their scent and the scent of their house?  I was so completely blown away that there was not ONE unscented soap anywhere.  Do people not understand that most all fragrances in products are dangerous and should not be used.   Do they not understand that anti-bacterial products contain Triclosan which is an endocrine disruptor and has toxic hormonal effects.  Especially if you are using them with warm water which opens your pores and welcomes all those chemicals right into your system.

I guess I will be making the trip to my Whole Foods tomorrow  to get my unscented, non anti-bacterial soap that cleans my family's hands just fine without any harmful chemicals.

Thanks for letting my rant!

Till Next Blog......

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