The headline of a story I read today absolutely blew my mind. "The CDC Researchers Say Mother's Should Stop Breastfeeding to Boost Efficacy of Vaccines".
Whatever your take on vaccines is, for or against, this is utterly ridiculous!
Breastfeeding is one of the most important things in helping a child receive all of the nutrients they require. It makes their immune systems strong and healthy. The CDC researchers however claim that the "immune-boosting effects of breastmilk are a detriment to the efficacy of vaccines". They claim that the very things that help infants systems become strong, immunoglobulin A, lactoferrin, lysozyme, and more inhibit the rotovirus vaccine from working.
They have to be kidding, right?
I remember going through the breastfeeding class while I was pregnant and learning that it is far and away the most important thing you can do for your child's health. I will attest to how healthy my child is. I would absolutely recommend to anyone that they do breastfeed their child.
I think this is a gross injustice for the CDC to be suggesting something like this. I mean really? Do you think feeding an infant a formula with chemicals that you can't even pronounce, let alone know what they are, is healthier that what the body creates?
Come on!!
Till Next blog.......
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