Thursday, October 25, 2012

Organic Not Better? What The??

I saw an article yesterday from the Baltimore Sun that said organic may not provide the added health benefit we think it does.  That the "researchers" (I use that term loosely) don't have any evidence that long term exposure to pesticides on food causes health problems.

Are they kidding?????

And the best is that the Academy of Pediatrics, the same people who don't see any negative health effects from all the nasty ingredients in immunizations, are backing this up.

This actually blew me away as I was reading it.  Are they really trying to now convince the public that eating a diet of organic foods not treated with pesticides or fed nasty fertilizers isn't a healthier way to eat?  Especially for our children who's young systems and growing brains are susceptible to these types of chemicals.

I'm not sure where the "research" came from in this latest "study".  My guess would be Monsanto, or the non-organic food industry trying to convince us that it's ok to eat their product.

I know that I have a giant organic garden in my backyard and what I can't grow I buy organic.  The dairy products I buy are organic and hormone free, my meats and eggs come from a local organic farm (my Thanksgiving turkey is growing right now!),  and I wouldn't change that for anything!  My family is incredibly healthy and I would never be willing to "see what would happen" if we changed to buying  commercial produce and products filled with chemicals.

All you have to do is look around at all the little girls going into puberty way to young and all the kids with more health problems these days than ever before to see there is a problem.

Keep buying organic and non GMO for the health and safety of your family.  I for one am not buying into this latest attempt to convince us otherwise.

Till Next Blog.......

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