I decided to create my own Lemi-shine! I will admit have purchased the actual product in the past as it doesn't contain phosphates and says environmentally friendly, but it doesn't actually list the ingredients. That is concerning to me. Even when I went on the internet to see if they list them I still didn't find what they actually put in it. That didn't work for me! So of course I had to try making my own.
I started by purchasing food grade Citric Acid. I purchased mine from dudadiesel.com. It is Organic/Non-GMO source. I also purchased some organic orange essential oil. I decided to go with that instead of the lemon.
The basic idea to this is to add 1 teaspoon of essential oil to 1 cup of citric acid. I put mine in the food processor and let it blend together well.
Here is my tip! Let it sit for a couple minutes before you decide to open the lid of the food processor!! If you don't there will be a blast of powder come your way and its not friendly, haha.
That is it!! Really that's all there is to it.
I put mine in one of my re-purposed glass food jars with a chalkboard label marked proudly. It works amazing! My glasses are sparkly AND I know what is in it. Oh and it turns out to be much cheaper to do it my way then to purchase it.
Give it a shot.
I will admit I felt very much like a scientist using the citric acid!
Till Next Blog....................
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